15th Oct
Left Port Alexander at 9am in tow of whaling boat 'Southern Sea'. SS 'Southern Sky' standing by in case of accident. Six passengers on board.
Still in tow.
Still in tow. Heavy mist from 8am to Noon.
Changed tugs. SS 'Southern Sea' assisting towing with whale line - short mist.
Still towing.
Still towing.
Still towing.
Still towing.
Still towing. Sighted Dassen Island Lighthouse - also English mail boat.
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Dassen Island from Pearl Bay 2007----------------------------Table Bay 2006------------------------------Albert & Victoria Docks 2006
Arrived at Cape Town at 7am. Lay in Table Bay all day (at anchor). Hottest day during stay at Cape Town - temperature was 95 deg in shade.
Went into Victoria Basin (dock). Also went ashore.
Met Petty Officers W. Stevens, W. Stephenson & A.B's Jim Annett & W.A. Reed. Went to Tivoli at night then had sailors on ship. P.O. W. Stevens (37), Chief Torpedoman Will Stephenson (24), Wireless Tel. man - A.B. (one stripe) J.A. Annett (cooper) (27), & (19) William Arthur Reed, Gun Trainer of H.M.S. 'Glasgow' which sank 'Dresden', 'Leipzig' & others. Reed youngest survivor of Coronel action off Chile when 'Good Hope' & 'Monmouth' were sunk.
HMS GLASGOW (click for a comprehensive pictorial look at the sea battles Hetty is referring to).
Visited museum (Cape Town) then motored to Camp's Bay with men's war? Went to playhouse at night. Saw 'Liberty Hall'.
Thur 28th
Motored to Cecil Rhodes estate then went to bioscope men's war. Cecil Rhode's estate 'Groote Schuur' Rondebosch.
Saw men'o'war off at station.
Sat 30th
Went to Camp's Bay. Did some shopping in evening.
Motored to Bellville with P.O's Stevens & Stephenson.
Mon 1st Nov
Motored to Simonstown with A.B. J.A. Annett & returned alone.
Visited Mrs. & Miss Robinson of 7 Ebenezer Rd. Cape Town.
Visited Municipal Gardens.
Went motoring with Mr. & Mrs. Ehmke. Passed through Constantinia, Woodstock, Muizenberg, Kalk Bay & other places. Saw field farms & old Dutch houses. Colonial method of planting fruit trees different to English. Saw Lemon, Locquat & other trees, also only South African's millionaires house, & many other places of interest. Went to Wolfram's Bioscope at night. Saw 'Sour Figs' (a wild fruit) growing by roadside (not at bioscope did we see figs).
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Camps Bay 2006---------------------------------Camps Bay 2006------------------------------------------Simonstown 2006
Fri 5th
Motored to race meeting of S.A. Turf Club at Kenilworth, had afternoon tea there, then returned to Cape Town. Dined at Langham Hotel & went to playhouse to see 'Jane'. Were accompanied by an Armourer & Plumber of H.M.S. 'Glasgow'.
Motored to Clairemont with Mr. Mrs. & Miss Robinson & Mr. Annett, then had tea & went to Tivoli.
Sunday 7th
Visited H.M.S. 'Glasgow' at Simonstown. Saw guns, torpedo tube, wireless apparatus & everything of interest. Had tea on board. Motored back to Cape Town. Searchlights (Aerial & otherwise), Life - saving apparatus, Light buoys, Conning tower, Officer's quarters.
Went to playhouse. Mrs Ehmke & Hildegard accompanied us. Mr. Ehmke joined us at commencement of 3rd act. Saw 3 short playlets - 'A Delicate Business', 'The Man in the Street' & 'A Modern Joan of Arc'.
Were at Sea Point Bathing in afternoon. Visited Mrs. Ehmke's mother at night.
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Simonstown 2006---------------------------------Muizenberg 2006------------------------------------------Kalk Bay 2006
Fri 5th
Wednesday 10th
Went to Muizenberg for surf bathing but found sea too high. Had coffee at pavillion. Muizenberg - 'Brighton of South Africa'.
Had visitors on board. Went to Opera House to see 'Madame X' at night. Mrs Ehmke & Hildegard accompanied us.
Friday 12th
Were out shopping all day. Went to Fishers Bioscope at night. Motored to Anchor Bay. Had afternoon tea at Cleghorn's Balcony Tea Rooms.
Received many presents from 'Glasgow' men. Stayed at Langham Hotel. Were at Tivoli theatre at night.
Motored to 'Potsdam' with 'Glasgow' friends. Left Langham Hotel at 4.30pm. Had tea with Mr. & Mrs. Robinson & family.
Monday 15th
Left Cape Town at 4pm.
Had headache all day.